Hair Loss


The main cause of hair loss is hereditary. It happens with aging and has a strong family history. 

There are other causes including:

  1. part of the symptoms of other systemic diseases
  2. Stress induced
  3. Side effects of some drugs
  4. Inappropriate hair treatments (maltreatiments)
  5. Malnutrition 

Our specialists will help to exclude the above treatable and reversible causes of hair loss. However, the bulk of patients are related to Hereditary Hair Loss (aka Androgenic Alopecia)

Hereditary Hair Loss (Androgenic Alopecia)

About 75 to 90% of hair loss problems can be attributed to androgenic alopecia. This is a hereditary condition where hair follicles are affected by male hormones (DHT), making the hair shrink prematurely and fall off. The pattern of hair loss in androgenic alopecia are different for men and women. For men, the M shaped hair line first appeared, it will gradually move backward and later affect the vertex of the head. For women, hair thinning on the top of the head is the first symptoms. 

Myths about hair loss

Hair loss is a disturbing symptoms for many patients and we are still not close to a cure for it. Thus, there are many myths about hair loss treatment

  1. Chinese Herbal medicine: its effectiveness has not been proven scientifically
  2. Natural skin supplements: they may help to keep the healthy state of hair but not the cure many have hoped for
  3. Hair products: many claimed exotic ingredients/ formula do not contain scientifically proven ingredients or they have not been subject to rigorous study
  4. Old sayings including ginger, brandy are not scientifically proven and may actually be harmful or irritative to the scalp
  5. Hair centre/ experts: there is no such specialist under western medicine. Its training and experience are not regulated

Treatment for Hair Loss

Drugs: including oral medications and topicals. The oral drugs is only suitable for male patients to reduce the DHT (male hormones) level. The topical drugs can be used for men and women. It is the only FDA and HK approved drugs for female hair loss. It reverts the hair from a dormant phase back to a growth phase. 

Surgery: transplant of a small strip of hair follicles from the back of the head into area of baldness. It takes time (typically 8 hour) and efforts (to cleans and harvest the hair follicle) and it involves surgery and its associated risks

RGA (regenera activa) It uses a technique called autologous micro grafting technique to inject small (micro) capillary graft around hair follicles that need help. It helps the follicles by immunomodulation and promotes hair growth. The micrograft solution has the cell proliferation, and high angiogenic potential to promote a regenerative tissular environment. This is a safe alternative to treat the problem of androgenetic alopecia in just one session a year.  Find out more here: 

+852 2861 3200

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